Singkawang in Square Shape

My friend just came from Germany – he’s an Indonesian who works in a very famous European car company – to visit his family in Pontianak (West Borneo, Indonesia) and to take a break for a while. As the result, he gathered around his companies and old partners in crime forcefully and he was serious in that. He succeeded in forcing them – including forcing his friend to also have a break from Batam just to come to Pontianak – to gather around and had some fun for some time.

We did the karaoke thing, had some dinner, and some more chatting with much more sharing. Well, it was decided further than that we had to take a trip before he went back to Germany. Travel therefore means more time together to have some more chatting while enjoying the trip itself.

Indonesia is an archipelagic country with the longest coastal line in the world. It means that we can find beaches in almost everywhere we go and of course high places as the perfect partner for beaches. West Borneo actually is not a tourism city as we know as it is well-known for other cities in Indonesia such as Bali, Yogyakarta, Bandung or even Jakarta. West Borneo is more a living business city. However, hey tourism is a business thing too, right? So, it is no wonder, we can easily find any tourism spots as well in West Borneo (though as I mentioned previously, perhaps the spots are not as well-known as Bali is). One of the most famous tourism spot in West Borneo is a city called Singkawang. I suppose all people or citizen of this province will suggest any tourist to visit this place.

There is a significant growth and development in Singkawang’s tourism business lately. The local government seems able to raise the city’s potential. There are more and more beaches for tourism spots, restaurants and cultural events held to draw and attract the tourists. The city is also succeeded becoming one of the favorite nationally broadcasted television shows in travelling program. It is also famous for its’s festivals such as Chinese New Year’s Day or Chinese Lantern Festival, since Singkawang is inhabited by Chinese ethnic group majorities.

As I said previously, most Indonesian tourism spots offer beaches and high places, it also works for Singkawang. So, there we go… eight of us went travelling. A rented car is suggested, though some also prefer motorcycles and public transportation for a three-to-four-hour trip.

We decided to have a lunch first as we arrived in Singkawang. We chose a restaurant in a high place; it is located in a hill actually. Batu Mas (literally ‘Golden Stone’) restaurant is placed right in the ‘area’ around the hill. We could find villas and more restaurants around the area.

As stated as the title of this writing, I purposefully put the images and photos in square shape. The photos are Instagram-effect-edited and Polaroid-like just for the sake of art… ha… Don’t worry anyway, I’ll put some more professional photos from the professional camera also later on.

Here we were in Batu Mas Restaurant

It was a-two-story building where the view was very stunning. However, we found out that the second floor would be better in the view and perhaps more private for eight of us. Though was charged for 10%, the result was satisfying.

First floor
A ten-percent charge
Second floor
Second floor’s view 1
Second floor’s view 2

Here’s some description in video:

Here come the meals …

Tofu and Green Bean … Yummy

Tofu and Green Bean

Seafood and Vegetables: ‘Pakis’ and Vegetables Soup

Pakis and Soup

More soup: mushroom soup and of course Indonesian can’t have meals without chili spices….

mushroom soup and chili spices

After having lunch, there was a quite interesting conversation. It was about table manner. Excuse us for having different table manner, or perhaps it was just our lack of table manner knowledge. Our common thought (in Indonesia) after having meals we should put the spoons and forks upside down and cross them. It means that we have enough.

Our version of after-meal-table manner

However, our Germany friend told us that after having meals, German (or Europeans) usually put the spoons and forks in the normal position side by side and without put them upside down. Well, it was quite something. All the seven later on would do this after we have meals 🙂

European style…ha ha

Next trip was to another high place. It was actually a new tourism spot and is still in the development. There is ‘Puncak’ in Bogor and ‘Kaliurang’ in Yogyakarta, and now West Borneo has a new one, it is called ‘Rindu Alam’ (literally ‘Miss the Nature’).

Rindu Alam higplace… We could see the sea with is beaches from up here…
Mountainous Rindu Alam

I tell you, the view of the sky was expensive…

Blue ….

Road to Rindu Alam:

Rindu Alam:

We continued to another side of this high place, we went to the forest. Well, it’s Borneo; we will easily find beautiful forests everywhere.

Next destination was beaches! The beaches are actually still in a hell of huge area. More than three beaches and tourism spots alike are included in the area (Including ‘Simping island’, ‘Sinka Zoo,’ and some more beaches). We visited ‘Tanjung Bajau’ and ‘Palm Beach’ in a particular purpose, to catch the sunset!

Taraaa…. Welcome to Tanjung Bajau beach

This beach is famous for its icon: a giant statue of Godzilla-like creature fighting with a giant squid. It was an interesting fact, because it seemed like a must that in any tourism spot there should be statues. Along our trip, we could find statues and more statues. Funny statues, serious statues, abstract statues, or even unimportant statues. It started with the statues of winged-elephants almost every corner near the Tanjung Bajau beach. In Tanjung Bajau itself we found giant statues of Godzilla (which we did not even recognize what it symbolized), crab, turtles, penguins and Mermaid. Oh, right, back to Rindu Alam forest, we could find giant statues of iguana, turtle and elephant as well…

Roarrrrr…Godzilla…what the….
Shot by Lucy Wong

Mermaid gigantic statue!

See what I said, statue. Anyway, enjoy the view of the sky though.

Mermaid and breath-taking sky

Hey… what’s this..?? Ha… please forgive our English..

Hmmmmm …..

Weeee…. They also had Ferris wheel. I always wanted to have a picture with a Ferris wheel as the background. They had a funfair including marine sport, banana boat and stuff.

Ferris Wheel
Shot by Lucy Wong

It was getting darker. Time to take more pictures … Enjoy!

Shot by Lucy Wong
Shot by Lucy Wong

Walked a little bit, and we’ve got ‘Palm Beach..

Palm Beach in the afternoon

And this was the main show … Sunset at Tanjung Bajau and Palm Beach


Was it time to go home?

Wait, we were hungry… We went to the Singkawang downtown to find some food. Chinese food would be great.

As the result, we visited one of the famous restaurant in the city. It was a Thai-Style restaurant with the literal name ‘Rumah Makan Ala Thai’ or ‘Thai-Style Restaurant,’ ha ….

Rumah Makan Thai

The cooks and their spices…. bunch of spices…

The cooks and their spices

Though the restaurant called itself Thai-style, the food was actually various from locals to Chinese food.

The menu in three languages
Shot by Lucy Wong

So, there we go… We had chai sim, Fu Yung Hai, Tom Yam, and more ….

The meals of Thai and Chinese

Don’t forget the rice..!

Rice of course

We were full, and we had learned the European table manner then… ha ha

Full, empty plates, and table manner…

Time to go home then… We had around for hours or so, because it was at night we chose not to be hurry. We stopped in a coffee shop in ‘Sungai Pinyuh’ around one hour to Pontianak to have a cup of coffee… Nothing more relaxing than a cup of coffee with friends after a journey..

Coffee with friends after a long journey

Hey, I still have more photos from a more professional camera. But for this moment, please enjoy these images and our journey …

Pulau Kabung [Kabung Island] Part 1: A Tiny Hidden Heaven

It is a tiny hidden haven placed in an island in West Kalimantan [Borneo], Indonesia, a fisherman’s village with unique and surprisingly hospitable people and culture. Bugis ethnic group lives in this island in harmony. They also produce clove and nutmeg, which makes the island smells good and colorful with the clove fields. Enjoy!

1. Clear and shallow water and tens of bagans [fishing buildings] in the middle of the sea. One can walk from the island around a hundred meter to the sea as if she or he is walking on the water.

Clear Water
walk on the water
the Bagan

2. Very clear water.

clear water

3. Fabulous sky in the afternoon preceding the sunset.

waiting for the sunset in the small port, surrounded by colorful sampans and tens of bagans
still waiting….
PERFECT ……………… !!!

These pictures are only a few of tens photos i have. I’ll put more pictures and stories in part 2 … Be patient and enjoy the view …

Bakso dan Swike

Ketika anda berada di Pontianak, bila anda menanyakan jenis makanan apa yang paling populer bagi warga, hampir jelas jawabannya adalah bakso dan nasi goreng. Memang khusus bakso sendiri telah populer tidak hanya di Pontianak, tapi hampir di seluruh daerah di Indonesia. Bakso dan soto memiliki banyak varian dan taste yang beragam bergantung pada daerah dan pengaruh selera bahkan budaya masyarakat dimana makanan itu berada. Kemudian, saya sengaja browsing di Internet dan mencoba mencari begaram literatur serta informasi lisan mengenai asal muasal makanan favorit ini. Seperti saya duga sebelumnya, secara linguistis, bakso mungkin sekali berasal dari negeri China yang dibawa masyarakat etnis Tionghoa beratus-ratus tahun yang lalu ke daratan Indonesia dari negara asalnya. Kata ‘bak’ yang berarti ‘daging’ juga dipakai pada jenis makanan lain yang juga cukup dikenal di Indonesia, seperti bakpao, bakmi atau bakpia. Di Pontianak sendiri, dimana budaya Tionghoa cukup terpelihara: Chinese food, bahasa Tionghoa (dialek Tio Ciu, Hakka (khe), dan Mandarin tentu saja), upacara budaya dan keagamaan (termasuk terpeliharanya keberadaan ajaran dan penganut Budha (Theravada dan Mahayana), Kong Hu Cu, Taoisme), serta beragam jenis makanan dengan citarasa asli Tionghoa masih sangat kental. Oleh sebab itu, makanan-makanan yang memang pada mulanya memang berasal dari negeri China tersebar di seluruh Pontianak. Misalnya di sepanjang Jalan Gajahmada atau Tengku Umar (kompleks Pasar Mawar (dulu dikenal sebagai pasar sentral)), kita dapat menemukan beragam jenis makanan seperti mie tiaw, tau swan, nasi cap chai, ko kue, chai kue, bubur ikan, bakso tahu asin, mie kepiting dan sebagainya dan sebagainya …

Namun kemudian saya kembali bertanya-tanya, bukankah di daerah dengan budaya Tionghoa asli yang masih terpelihara, beragam makanan yang berasal dari China itu dapat dengan baik dibuat dan dijual oleh masyarakat Tionghoa itu sendiri? Nah, yang unik, ini tidak terjadi khusus pada makanan bakso dan swike …

Bakso dan Swike (dengan bahan dasar daging kodok) walau sebenarnya merupakan jenis makanan Tionghoa, di Pontianak cukup dipuaskan oleh keterampilan para penjaja etnis Jawa. Bakso diakui sebagai makanan favorit semua etnis masyarakat tanpa memandang perbedaan sosial ekonomi. Para penjual mayoritas berasal dari etnis Jawa dengan beragam nama dan ‘gelar’, seperti bakso Edi Solo, Bakso Setan, BaksoL, Bakso PSP, Bakso Johar, Bakso Se Loy Siantan dan ssebagainya …

Bakso Pontianak biasanya terdiri dari mie putih, mie kuning, sawi dan kecambah, serta tentu saja andalannya pada bola-bola daging yang menjadi ciri khasnya. Misalnya bakso yang berisi telur, bahkan pada Bakso Setan di daerah Jalan Danau Sentarum, bulatan daging berisi cabe rawit yang pedasnya luar biasa …

Ini dia Bakso Setan …

Begitu juga dengan swike. Meskipun bisa dikatakan swike adalah jenis makanan yang berasal dari etnis Tionghoa dan tidak semua golongan masyarakat yang dapat dan mau menikmati (biasanya karena pandangan dan larangan religius), swike yang paling populer dan menjadi favorit warga Pontianak (tentu saja yang menjadi konsumen terbesar swike berasal dari etnis Tionghoa) adalah penjaja dari kalangan etnis Jawa. Yang paling terkenal adalah Swike Pak Sapto di daerah dekat Gereja Katedral Pontianak …

Penulis dan Swike …

Ini dapat dikatakan bahwa meski pada asalnya, Bakso dan Swike adalah makanan asli warga Tionghoa, tetapi setelah beragam perubahan dan sejarah yang mewarnainya, kini kedua jenis makanan tersebut malahan populer dibuat dan dijual oleh warga non Tionghoa, terutama dari etnis Jawa. Ini juga menunjukkan bahwa masalah rasa tidaklah mengenal etnis atau golongan masyarakat tertentu. Siapa saja dapat menjadi ahli dalam meracik masakan, menikmati, atau berbisnis di bidang tersebut.

Selamat menikmati …